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  • Writer's pictureJayne Avery

Spawn of Toad aka Lime Jelly and Cranberries

Updated: Jul 22, 2018

Serves 4


I lime jelly

Juice of one lime (optional)

Couple of handfuls of dried cranberries

Tip – if you want the jelly to set quicker dissolve the cubes in a quarter of a pint of the water then top up with cold water and lime juice


  1. Make up the jelly as per instructions on the packet – substituting some of the water for the lime juice

  2. Leave the jelly in the fridge to set

  3. When set break the jelly up with a hand whisk

  4. Pour in the dried cranberries and whisk into the jelly

  5. Either serve in one big bowl or divide into individual dishes


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