I have always loved eggy bread. But since I sampled this version in a lovely little cafe in the New Forest, I have never eaten it any other way. It is so healthily delicious and very quick and easy to whip up (if you'll excuse the pun!)
Serves 1- 2 depending on how hungry you are
1 egg
2 medium slices of bread (gluten free if required)
1 knob butter (or coconut oil)
Grated nutmeg
Soft fruits - fresh or stewed/warm or cold
(In the photo above I used - frozen fruits of the forest heated until soft.)
2 - 3 tablespoons yoghurt ( I used sheep's - you use your favourite or soya yoghurt)
Break egg onto a plate and whisk.
Sprinkle with grated nutmeg and mix into the egg
Place a slice of bread onto the egg, then turn it over. Both sides will now be covered in egg.
Melt knob of butter or coconut oil in a small frying pan
When bubbling place one slice of the egg soaked bread into the pan and leave for about 30 seconds.
Then flip over for 30 seconds.
Keep turning until both sides are golden brown
Repeat for second slice. Keeping the first one warm in the oven if necessary.
Cut the eggy bread in half diagonally and arrange artistically!
'Berry' the eggy bread in stewed fruit and top with yoghurt.